


ALAN HENRY20171012

The New York Times



You have the basics down: doing laundry, keeping the bathroom clean, wiping the kitchen countertops — but dirt and grime have a bad habit of collecting in the strangest places, including the ones you don’t think to look. Here are some spots around your house you should consider cleaning more often, if you clean them at all, because they’re probably pretty filthy.


Right out of the gate, we should point out that you should clean these spaces not because they’ll make you sick or anything, but because they’re probably pretty gross and collect dirt and dust easily. They may accumulate bacteria as well, but there’s no reason to be a germaphobe about them.


People with immune disorders or who are prone to sickness may want to pay closer attention than others, but in many cases, your cleaning efforts are just a good way to keep them in good working order for a nice long time.




Doorknobs and handles

You probably don’t think to clean off the doorknobs and handles around your home very often, but they’re worth a quick wipe the next time you’re cleaning in the same room. When you think about how often we touch the door knobs and handles in our homes, especially with dirty hands or on the way in or out of the bathroom, you may even choose to make a habit of it.


Whether it’s the handle to a kitchen cabinet, the doorknob to the bathroom or just the front door to your home, give it a wipe down from time to time, if for no other reason than to keep them free of debris and pleasant to use.



You’ve probably heard that door handles — especially bathroom door handles — can be home to all sorts of nasty germs that can make you sick, but the risk from bacteria on doorknobs is likely heavily overstated. While it can be an issue in bathrooms that experience heavy use, the risk at home is minor, and the benefit to keeping handles clean has more to do with no one liking to touch a sticky or dirty doorknob than a health issue.





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