


ALAN HENRY20171027




Myth 5: Extended warranty plans are worth your money

It’s tough to buy anything at this point without being offered an extended warranty. Whether you’re shopping online or in a brick-and-mortar store, retailers often dangle third-party “protection programs” and “service plans” in front of you, promising that, for a few extra bucks, they’ll replace or repair your purchase if damaged over the next few years. The problem with these offers is that they’re almost always unnecessary — or worse than what you could get otherwise with a little savvy shopping.



In many cases, the pricey extended warranty runs right alongside the existing manufacturer’s warranty, which means you may be paying twice for coverage the phone’s maker already provides. So be sure to research the warranty that comes with your device. Similarly, if you use a credit card, you may even have extended warranty protectionthrough the card’s issuer — check with that company before you add the pricey phone to your cart.



Finally, consider how much the extended warranty costs versus the actual total of the gadget you’re buying. You may be better off taking the money you would have used on the warranty plan and stashing it in a savings account as a “rainy day fund.” Then, if you do need to pay for a repair or replacement, you can use your own cash instead of having to jump through the hoops of getting service from the company managing the protection program.



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