


ALAN HENRY20171027




Myth 3: More megapixels mean better cameras

When small, portable point-and-shoot cameras took off and larger, digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) cameras became more affordable, there was a brief rush among manufacturers to push out models with greater numbers of “megapixels,” the unit of capacity used to define how much information a digital camera’s sensor can capture. Unfortunately, because those numbers dazzled spec-hungry consumers and could be used to market cameras, shoppers began to assume that more megapixels meant you were buying a better camera. And you can’t really blame them — marketers latched on to the idea, and even now, in modern smartphones, the first spec anyone mentions about the built-in camera is the megapixels.



All of this led to the “megapixel myth,” which has persisted for almost a decade. While most budding photographers understand that more isn’t always better in a camera, shoppers looking for a good smartphone camera, and the phone manufacturers themselves, haven’t seemed to learn the lesson.



Megapixels still count — they do tell you how powerful a camera’s sensor is, which is important for professionals or anyone who needs to print out physical photographs (when translated to paper more pixels per inch can mean more detailed prints), but it doesn’t necessarily tell you how good the photos taken by that camera will be.



To find that out, look past the specs (again!) and to reviews. Even better, look for examples of photos taken with a certain phone or camera and compare them to those from other popular models — or even the one you already have. Look for reviews that mention a camera’s lowlight performance and, perhaps most important, get familiar with your camera’s options. The best photos come from someone who knows how to tweak the settings for the perfect shot.



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