


Now, hopefully you can tell your name and introduce someone else's name. Can you tell people where you come from? 


Yes, you can also use S+是shì +nation +人rén,this sentence pattern tells other's your nationality. 人rén means people. For example, 我是台灣人wǒ shì tái wān rén means "I am a Taiwanese". 我是中國人wǒ shì zhōng guó rén means "I am a Chinese". More nationalities? 日本人rì běn rén, Japanese people;美國人 měi guó rén, American people. There are two questions, can you give answer in Chinese?


In addition, we learn 不bù(not/not), the negative form here. We will talk and practice more about 不bù(not/not) later.



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